
Sihanoukville: Communications & Business

Sihanoukville: Communications & Business
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Post Office/Mail

Main Post Office On Ekareach Street at the intersection of Mittapheap Kampuchea-Soviet Street.

Internet/Public Telephone/FAX
Cambodia Country Calling Code : 855
Sihanoukville Area Code : 034

Internet access in Sihanoukville is relatively fast and inexpensive, most internet shops offering access for $1/hour. Many guesthouses and hotels have internet access, some with wifi, and there are several internet shops scattered across the town. A number of restaurants and bars offer wifi access as well.

Most of the internet shops offer international internet telephone calls for around 500-1000 riel/minute.

Telephoning notes: You may notice that Cambodian telephone numbers begin with a ‘0’ (e.g. 034-000000) When dialing domestically, it is usually necessary to dial the ‘0’ at the beginning. When dialing from outside Cambodia to a Cambodian telephone number, you must use the country code but exclude the ‘0’ at the beginning (e.g. 855-34-000000). When dialing internationally from Cambodia, you must precede the number with ‘001’ or ‘007’.

Mobile Phones: Prefix: 010, 015, 016, 069, 070, 081, 086, 087, 093, 096, 098
#464A, Monivong Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +(855)(0)10-200888

OnLine – AZ Communications Co., Ltd.
DSL, ADSL, WiMAX, Fiber Opic, Pre-paid cards, Hosting, Pre-paid cards.
#60, Monivong Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +(855)(0)23-727272
Tel: +(855)(0)81-727272

Siem Reap: Phone, Internet, Mail, Shipping, Real Estate and Laundry
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